Welcome to our Sunday worship service for October 13, 2024, as Pastor Debbie Kaylor begins a new sermon series. Special music is by our SUMC handbell choir. Congregational hymns are “You Are Mine”, “There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” and “For the Healing of the Nations”.

Forgiveness: Restoring or Releasing the Relationship
Welcome to our Sunday worship service for October 6, 2024, as Pastor Debbie Kaylor continues a sermon series on Forgiveness based on the book “The Book of Forgiving” by Desmond Tutu and Mpho Tutu. Special music is by our SUMC women’s choir. Congregational hymn is “Great is Thy Faithfulness”.

Forgiveness: Granting Forgiveness
Welcome to our Sunday worship service for September 29, 2024, as Pastor Debbie Kaylor continues a sermon series on Forgiveness based on the book “The Book of Forgiving” by Desmond Tutu and Mpho Tutu. Special music is by pianist Paul Shivers. Congregational hymns are “I Stand Amazed in the Presence” and “Freely, Freely”.

Foregiveness: Naming the Hurt
Welcome to our Sunday worship service for September 22, 2024, as Pastor Debbie Kaylor continues a sermon series on Forgiveness based on the book “The Book of Forgiving” by Desmond Tutu and Mpho Tutu. Special music is by the SUMC Women’s Choir. Congregational hymns are “Amazing Grace My Chains are Gone”, “Shout to the Lord”, “His Eye is on the Sparrow” and “Spirit Song”.
Forgiveness: Telling the Story
Welcome to our Sunday worship service for September 15, 2024, as Pastor Debbie Kaylor begins a new sermon series on Forgiveness based on the book “The Book of Forgiving” by Desmond Tutu and Mpho Tutu. Special music is by a trio from the SUMC Women’s Choir. Congregational hymns are “Something Beautiful” and “Freely, Freely”.

The Message
Welcome to our Sunday worship service for September 1, 2024, as Pastor Debbie Kaylor continues a sermon series that will examine the book of James. Today’s sermon “The Message” looks at chapter five. Special music is by pianist Paul Shivers. Congregational hymns are “Come, Thou Almighty King”, “I Want to Be a Christian” and “Let Us Be Bread”.
Jesus is Always With Us
Welcome to our Sunday worship service for August 25, 2024, as Pastor Debbie Kaylor delivers today’s message “Jesus is Always With Us”. Special music is by pianist Paul Shivers. Congregational hymns are “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High”, “Jesus Loves Me”, and “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus”.

Be a Friend to God
God loves us so much, He always wants to be present in our lives. Can others tell that we are a friend of Jesus by the way we dress and how we spend our money and time? Welcome to our Sunday worship service for August 18, 2024, as Pastor Debbie Kaylor continues a new sermon series that will examine the book of James. Today’s message is “Be a Friend to God”. Special music is by pianist Paul Shivers. Congregational hymns are “How Great Thou Art”, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” and “Seek Ye First”.

Taming the Tongue
Let’s use our words to uplift and encourage others. Welcome to our Sunday worship service for August 11, 2024, as Pastor Debbie Kaylor continues a new sermon series that will examine the book of James. Today’s message “Taming the Tongue” looks at chapter three. Special music is by pianist Paul Shivers. Congregational hymn is “We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations”.
Wealth and Poverty
Welcome to our Sunday worship service for July 7, 2024, as Pastor Debbie Kaylor continues a new sermon series that will examine the book of James. Today’s message “Wealth and Poverty” looks at chapter two. Special music is by pianist Paul Shivers. Congregational hymns are “Jesus is All the World to Me” and “Take My Life”.